We hear it all the time: students and teachers both LOVE UNICEF Kid Power. So this Valentine season, we want teachers to share their love of Kid Power with other teachers.
What’s in it for teachers to share?
Besides heaping tons of good karma, when teachers share UNICEF Kid Power with at least five other teachers from their Kid Power Dashboard, they are entered to win one of ten (10) $100 Amazon gift cards. How sweet is that Valentine treat?! (Full rules here.)
A Bigger Team Means More Lives Saved
Why are we encouraging teachers to spread the love? It’s simple, really.
The more teachers who join UNICEF Kid Power, the more students can become empowered to make a difference. And the more students who become empowered, the bigger impact we can make to help more children. And the bigger impact we can make, the more lives we can save.
(Besides, UNICEF Kid Power is FREE to every teacher in the U.S.)
In short, the more people we can get doing UNICEF Kid Power, the more children who can have a better, healthier future — both here in the U.S. and around the globe!
Spread Your Kid Power Love and Win $100 on Amazon
So if your students are in love with doing Kid Power Ups, take 2 minutes today to log in to your Kid Power Dashboard, scroll to the bottom of page where it says “Refer a Teacher,” and submit the valid email addresses of five other teachers. That’s all! You’ll be automatically entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card. (Contest ends on March 1, and the 10 lucky winners will be randomly drawn by March 15.)
We’ll take care of reaching out to the teachers you referred and encouraging them to sign up for this free educational program. If you want to send them your own encouraging nudge to sign up, that’s worth triple in the good karma bank! Go ahead and share this video with them to tell them a little about how it works.