Are you looking for an exciting new way to empower your students?

Track Your Kid Power Progress

We know how important it is for students to track and see their progress in the classroom. All. The. Time.

And now, thanks to UNICEF Kid Power Champion, Kyle Schwartz, we have a downloadable progress chart that you can use to track how many packets of RUTF your classroom unlocks.

Coach Kyle, author of I Wish My Teacher Knew, created and printed this poster for her 3rd grade classroom. We shared it out on Instagram, and so many teachers asked how to make it that Coach Kyle shared it with us so any classroom can use it.

You can download and print it out as it is, or you can customize it however you like. We know how much kids love tracking their progress as they do more and more Kid Power Ups

UNICEF Kid Power is a team effort. The more classrooms that participate, the bigger impact we can make. If you have created your own materials to help empower and inspire your students on their Kid Power journey, please share with us and we would love to share it with the entire team!

You can follow Kyle Schwartz on Instagram and Twitter. Give her a shout and tell her thank you for sharing this tool with our community.

Kid Power is here to help!

We believe that physical activity in students leads to lifelong increases in mental and social emotional health. That’s why we offer free, fun, and engaging videos that get kids up and moving!

From dance routines to sports drills, there’s something for every kid to enjoy. With the power of physical activity and a built-in “give back” component on the platform, we feel confident that kids will want to continue coming back to Get Active and Save Lives!

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Empowering kids to engage in physical activity and philanthropy to increase overall and wellbeing.

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