Where does funding to convert points to therapeutic food packets come from?
For families participating in UNICEF Kid Power, funds available to UNICEF USA for the conversion of points to therapeutic food packets include $10 from the purchase of each UNICEF Kid Power Band* and other contributions to UNICEF USA from supporters of the UNICEF Kid Power program. Funds that are not used for the conversion of points to therapeutic food packets will be used to support the UNICEF USA’s mission and programs at the organization’s discretion.
For schools participating in UNICEF Kid Power, funds available to the UNICEF USA for the conversion of points to therapeutic food packets come from contributions from supporters of the UNICEF Kid Power School Program.
*The Kid Power program is administered by UNICEF USA, and is not administered by Target. The more kids move, the more Kid Power points they earn. Kid Power points are converted to funding by UNICEF USA partners, parents and fans, which UNICEF uses to deliver lifesaving packets of therapeutic food to severely malnourished children. Target is a proud sponsor of the Kid Power program. UNICEF USA does not endorse any brand or product. Donation is not tax deductible for guests.
How are Kid Power Points converted to therapeutic food packets?
Points earned by getting active with the UNICEF Kid Power Band will be converted to therapeutic food packets via the UNICEF Kid Power App, with funding from the UNICEF USA. UNICEF USA will contribute funds to UNICEF to be used for the purchase and delivery of therapeutic food packets to children in need. Points will be converted to therapeutic food packets for a period of one year from the time of first use of the UNICEF Kid Power App or while funds are available.
How many Kid Power Points does it take to unlock a therapeutic food packet?
For kids participating with their families, when on a Kid Power Mission, 10 points unlock one therapeutic food packet. When not on a Mission—in training mode—25 points unlock one packet of therapeutic food.
For kids participating with their schools 10 points unlock one therapeutic food packet.
How is a Kid Power Point measured?
By getting active with the UNICEF Kid Power Band, the more kids move, the more points they earn. One point is equal to approximately 2,400 steps. UNICEF Kid Power promotes a daily goal of five points, which requires 12,000 steps and is equivalent to the daily activity goal recommended by the National Institutes of Health.
Where will UNICEF deliver the therapeutic food packets unlocked?
When families and schools participating in UNICEF Kid Power get active and earn points, they are increasing the global supply of therapeutic food by unlocking funds that UNICEF can use to procure and deliver therapeutic food packets to children in need.
Countries and communities receiving therapeutic food packets are determined by UNICEF, based on the magnitude and urgency of need for therapeutic food, and local capacity to implement and scale-up programs combating severe acute malnutrition. Therapeutic food packets that are unlocked during a country-specific mission will be delivered to that country.
Why is UNICEF Kid Power focused on increasing kids’ physical activity?
In the United States, one in four children are physically inactive, according to Designed to Move’s 2014 report on the state of physical activity. The relatively small number of children who get the recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity is a major public health concern, according to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Healthy Schools initiative; in the last 15 years, walking and biking to school have decreased by at least 50%, and correspondingly children spend a majority of their time participating in sedentary activities.
UNICEF Kid Power increases kids’ physical activity by tapping into their inherent desire to help their peers. Kids are empowered to get active knowing that they’re saving lives.
What are therapeutic food packets?
Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food packets (sometimes referred to as RUTF packets or therapeutic food packets) contain a specially-designed protein and vitamin-rich peanut paste, allowing children who are severely malnourished to be treated successfully in their communities.
The average course of lifesaving treatment for a severely malnourished child consists of 150 therapeutic food packets over the course of 30 days.
What is Severe Acute Malnutrition?
Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM), the most extreme form of malnutrition, is a life-threatening condition that affects 16 million children worldwide and requires urgent treatment, including therapeutic food packets, programs to manage SAM at the community level, as well as malnutrition prevention programs.
Why is UNICEF Kid Power focused on ending global malnutrition?
Globally, 16 million children suffer from severe acute malnutrition (2015 UNICEF-WHO Joint Estimates). Due to funding, political commitment and capacity challenges in many different country contexts, only 3.21 million children with severe acute malnutrition are reached with lifesaving therapeutic food packets and care (of which UNICEF supports 3.05). UNICEF Kid Power’s immediate focus is to eliminate the funding gap, which is one key factor in preventing the delivery of therapeutic food packets to every child who needs it.
What impact has UNICEF Kid Power had to date?
In total, UNICEF Kid Power Team Members have unlocked 6.4 million lifesaving therapeutic good packets to kids in need around the world!
Every 150 therapeutic food packets unlocked through the points earned by UNICEF Kid Power Team member’s results in a full course of lifesaving treatment for a severely malnourished child. With UNICEF Kid Power, the more kids move, the more points they earn, the more lives they save.
During spring 2016, the UNICEF Kid Power Team expanded to include more than 61,000 students in over 2600 classrooms across 13 Kid Power Cities, These kids earned over 3 million Kid Power Points and unlocked approximately 293,000 therapeutic food packets.
In March 2015, more than 11,300 kids in Boston, Dallas and New York joined the UNICEF Kid Power Team and took enough steps to walk around the world more than 23 times. These kids earned enough Kid Power Points to unlock 188,850 therapeutic food packets, enough to save the lives of 1,259 children.
October 2014, after several classroom pilots of the UNICEF Kid Power School Program, Kid Power was introduced to schools across the city of Sacramento, and over 800 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students were able to experience the power of getting active and saving lives.